Why Start Volunteering?

INOH has noticed that there are many people today who not only want to seek opportunities to learn new professional skills, but to use those skills to make the world a little bit better. Therefore, INOH has developed our 'Volunteering Program' designed to "Rapid Up-skill" individuals in their areas of interest and then ''Place" them within organisations or with people who work to make the world a better place for others.



Step up your game

Learn more about how the INOH Volunteering Program helps teach you Professional Skills in a quick and proven way.


How our volunteering program works.

We help passionate individuals by connecting them with meaningful organisations who focus on creating impact in their charitable space.
Volunteers register their interest with us and areas of desired focus in up-skilling. This could be IT, Marketing, Administration, Accounting or Logistics.
INOH then focuses on "Rapid Up-Skilling" and "Placement". This is when we help train and then place individuals into charitable organisations helping them create impact.


Why I stareted Volunteering?

We all want to do our little bit to help mankind. With so many people faced with increased difficulties and challenges, it was wonderful to work with INOH who spent time in up-skilling me in Administration and then connecting me with other great people and organisations who are trying to make the world a little bit better.


See our most
recent Projects

See how INOH and our members are making an impact.


Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely, depending on the type of up-skilling and placement, INOH can assist our volunteers not only make a difference with their time but gain relevant and recognised awards or certification for their time.

Being a charity, INOH has a 0% admin policy, which essentially means that 100% of all donations will be sent to the designated beneficiaries (depending on each campaign). INOH Committee Members therefore supports all Administrative, Marketing & Sales expenses that the charity incurs.
INOH helps our volunteers with managing their time and schedules so that they can have the most impact without causing disruption to their lives. Once we understand what you want to achieve as a volunteer, meaning, simply volunteering your time or partaking in our Volunteer Program for up-skilling and placement (work experience) we can design a schedule for your lifestyle.
We understand that at times someone’s background or history might cause challenges to finding opportunities to help people or ups-kill, for that reason we do have circumstances where people with criminal records could till do certain reduced tasks (mitigating regulator compliance risks). The best thing to do is to contact us and let us know your situation to see if we can help.
INOH was first established when a group of passionate individuals in Sydney came together to try and utilise their expertise to help those less fortunate. We first started by supporting local campaigns and international emergency relief campaigns. Today we have discovered that our calling is to utilise our group of VIP members, Volunteers, Organisations and Businesses to support the terrific work being done all around the world by reputable charities.

Copyright © In Need of Help Incorporated | ABN 29 600 535 267 | ACNC Association Number: 1700176